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Optimizing Results in Higher Education

What we did:
Columbia College OOH Advertisement

Columbia College OOH Advertisement


Columbia College is a private institution known for its personalized approach to education. In 2020, the college shifted from a women's college to a co-ed institution, wrestling with the shockwaves of the COVID-19 pandemic and evolving to meet the demands of a changing higher ed landscape.  

In the wake of these transitions, Columbia College partnered with Cyberwoven to create a new website and bolster its marketing presence, with the ultimate goal of increasing student enrollment. Together, we saw an important opportunity to share their unique history while underscoring the college's transformation. 

Columbia College Website

Columbia College Website

Instagram Posts

Instagram Posts


Connecting with the Audience

As Cyberwoven prepared for the new website and marketing campaign, we interviewed several stakeholder groups and sent surveys to students, faculty, and staff. Students expressed a preference for degree-specific content and many favored institutions that offered flexible degree options, like online and evening programs. 

Showcasing Degree Options

The new website now boasts an engaging degree list with multiple filters. Each degree page communicates clearly what students will learn as well as modality offerings (like evening and online), opportunities after college, student experiences, and pathways to continue exploring or to connect with the college. Echoing the same student-centric approach, the marketing efforts captured the historical importance with branding that aligned with the new transitions of the school. 

Combining marketing efforts with the new site now makes it easy for prospective students to:

  • Explore based on your academic needs via simple, intuitive navigation
  • Understand complex processes with step-by-step guidance 
  • Connect with the spirit of the college through quotes, image collages, and meaningful stats
  • Access information on their mobile devices, with a fully responsive design
  • Effectively take action through prominent CTAs on the site
Instagram Ads

Instagram Ads

Tik Tok Ad

Tik Tok Ad


Longstanding Partnership that Drives Results

Complementing our approach to the web project, our marketing campaign includes direct marketing and brand awareness materials like email communications, display advertising, digital marketing, media relations materials, and out-of-home advertising in strategic locations.

In the past year, the team has achieved remarkable outcomes, including 4.7 million impressions and a conversion rate that is now twice as high, all at a cost per conversion rate that is 2.1 times lower. 

Latest Update from Columbia College

Reports from Columbia College's latest enrollment cycle show a 36% increase in program inquiries, a 25% increase in applications submitted, and a 36% increase in confirmed students. 

Message Testing to Maximize Impact

As we continue to look forward, we've launched new messaging themes for enrollment campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, Google Search & Display, Snapchat, and TikTok. By diligently tracking the performance of each message and channel, we're consistently identifying even more optimization opportunities. 

With an elevated digital presence and synchronized marketing approach, we're excited to drive more awareness about the value of an education at Columbia College.

Visit the Columbia College Website

Increase in Enrollment from 2022 to 2023
Increase in Applications Submitted
Increase in Program Inquiries
Website Conversions