Press Releases
CEO and Founder of Cyberwoven Featured on Midlandsbiz’s Entrepreneur Minute Podcast
Ben Rex Discusses the Importance of Entrepreneurship, Taking Risks, and Creating a Great Company Culture
Columbia, S.C. (Mar. 16, 2023) – Cyberwoven is a South Carolina-based brand, web, and marketing firm located in Downtown Columbia. We recently sat down with Ben Rex, Cyberwoven CEO and founder, for Midlandsbiz’s Who’s on the Move Entrepreneur Minute podcast. Rex provided insights into how businesses can leverage their brand, web, and marketing strategies when establishing their overall identity. Rex goes on to emphasize the significance digital marketing has, especially in today's tech-driven economy.
Additionally, Rex also walked listeners through the history and growth of Cyberwoven and the role risk, or calculated risk, can have when looking to grow or expand a business.
“How we go from local, regional, to national in scale and scope is key to how we grow our business. How we do this and how we maintain the culture and heart of our business, which is really built around Columbia, SC, and the South, being net importers of talent and dollars to our region, is key…We do this by assessing our risks, carefully, and by working together in all things,” states Ben Rex.
To listen to Ben’s complete interview with Alan Cooper, co-founder and CEO of MidlandsBiz Who’s on the Move and the Entrepreneur Minute podcast, visit,
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About MidlandsBiz’s Entrepreneur Minute:
The MidlandsBiz Entrepreneur Minute is a quick, one-minute interview in support of entrepreneurship. Sponsors of this video series include Wells Fargo and Bauknight, Pietras and Stormer.
About Cyberwoven:
Cyberwoven is a brand, marketing, and web agency headquartered on Main Street in downtown Columbia, SC. Since opening our doors in 2001, we have launched award-winning websites, guided the creation and evolution of brands, and built audience engagement both online and in person. We work with organizations in various industries, including the arts, culture, government, retail, education, finance, healthcare, and insurance. Our goal is to create authentic and unmistakable brand experiences that are infused with imagination and meaning that build trust and inspire love. Learn more at